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Dawn Calvert, Director of Economic Transformation & Business Services
Calvert is the former president and CEO of Team Lorain County, with 10 years of experience in economic development. Her experience includes business retention and/or expansions, incentive packaging, brownfields and collaboration.

Calvert is responsible for working with City departments to ensure that operations are efficient and business-friendly, all while developing and managing Economic Transformation and Business Services programs and initiatives, including: The Skill City/Elyria Works 2.0 Initiative, new Economic Development and Business Services, and the ETABS Council.


Economic Development Plan

Our vision is to create 2025 quality jobs by the year 2025. Our strategy is comprised of the following initiatives:

Build a City for Entrepreneurs

Elyria is building an ecosystem that makes it easier for business startups to get the support they need to succeed. This includes packaging easy-to-access loans and capital, affordable retail and office space, customers, and coaching.

Attract Employers Through Upskilling our Workforce

Investing in Elyrians is a win-win proposition: residents will be equipped with in-demand skills and employers will be surrounded by the workforce they need.

Grow the Businesses Currently in Elyria

The City of Elyria is committed to providing an environment that supports the growth of our businesses. This means thoughtfully developing channels for businesses to access talent and capital as well as improving City infrastructure needs such as parking and roads. Our desire is for the voices of our small businesses to be heard in a consistent and meaningful way so that we can respond and grow together.

Economic Development and Business Services Council

The Elyria Economic Transformation and Business Services Council (ETABS Council) was developed to provide the business community with impactful leadership opportunities in the City to help address barriers that companies face, as well as partnering with the City to help guide our vision.

Elyria Works 2.0

Elyria Works was originally developed in partnership with the Brinda administration and Lorain County Urban League to help Elyria residents gain better access to good-paying manufacturing jobs. Today, the initiative is being re-envisioned through Elyria Works 2.0, expanding its partnerships to include Ohio Means Jobs and Lorain County Community College to increase access to resources for all Elyrians. The goal is to streamline high-quality services to provide training and certificate opportunities for 21st century skills, expanding the initiative’s focus beyond manufacturing to other in-demand, growing occupations/fields.


Economic Development Department
Dawn Calvert, Director

131 Court Street, Suite 302
Elyria, Ohio 44035
Phone: 440-326-1410