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E. Broad St. Update

Apr 4, 2024

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Effective Tuesday, April 9th, 2024:

The E. Broad St. project will resume on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024. The contractor will begin the full reconstruction! Work will begin just east of Prospect St., and will continue up to Abbe Rd., S. There will be complete closures which will modify continually, as the stages progress. There will be posted detour signs.

Local traffic: Prospect/Clark/Winckles/Taylor/Abbe Rd. S (this will depend on your destination)

Truck Traffic: E. River/Clark/Winckles/Taylor/Abbe Rd. S

This phase is anticipated for 6 weeks, and weather dependent.

We appreciate all of the patience and cooperation given. Updates will post as changes are made.

Please continue to keep our construction crews, pedestrians, residents, bikers, and vehicles safe……slow down and exercise caution!